Thursday, January 20, 2005


fence extending east parallel to wetlands

New fence with stake we believe to be delineating wetlands. The stake is located inside the wetland vegitation.

Photo of fence facing East with wetlands to left and sea to the right.

Fence moving along wetlands and constructed perpendicular to access road.

Fencing the Beach

Today, workers continued installing a fence on Playa Mosquito. This fence does not delineate the property line, but the beach. The property line runs much further inland.

We visited ACDEC, where it was explained that their jurisdictional authority to work with DNER to address ecological impacts expired on the 31 of December.

DNER Vigilantes indicated there was an order which paralyzed work on the beach and visited the site. They returned with a copy of a letter apparently signed by the former Secretary of the DNER which they says personally authorized this deforestation and fencing.
They took the letter to their office to confirm its credibility.
Photos show the most recent activity.