Tuesday, November 23, 2004

They continue....

Went to Mosquito today to see the clearing.
There was an even larger opening in the vegetation through to the wetlands, and a stake with a string also in the wetland vegetation. What we had heard was almost a complete Taino artifact found on Friday, turned out to be shards...but artifacts none the less.

It is our understanding that....
Maritime zone is still pending delineation from the DNER.
Wetlands are still pending delineation from the Army Corps.
Stake with a string placed in wetlands, was not placed by Army Corps.
Stakes 24 ft from the water's edge are not consistent with the definition of maritime zone, and the reference to it as such by local officials may constitute fraud.
Assuming the homeowners thought this was the delineation, they still cleared all the way to water's edge...
No permiso simple exists for the earth moving that took place last Friday.
No erosion control has been implemented to date.
Clearing is in preparation for a road, on a public beach, that we understand is placed inside the wetlands..which today is illegal.
To date we have seen no new plans submitted through Planning Board coastal zone requesting permits for the new road.
If it is this difficult to control illegal activity inside the maritime zone, imagine trying to prevent damage in upland watershed areas.
For more photos on runoff impacting mosquito bay and to see why we don't need yet another illegal road in this watershed visit: http://mosquitobaysediment.blogspot.com

Note the stake is inside the wetland vegitation.
Photo by Mary Ann Lucking

To date, we understand Army Corps has not yet delineated the wetlands...
Photo by Mary Ann Lucking

Well they continued on Friday, despite the Taino artifacts and agency oversight. Clearing for an unpermitted road just as predicted.
Photo by Mary Ann Lucking