Sunday, November 21, 2004

Stopped or not stopped?

We heard from ACDEC on Friday that they stopped the digger on the beach. They had no permits to clear earth. We also heard from ACDEC that the digger had unearthed an almost complete Taino artifact. ACDEC told us that the operator siad the head vigilante was giving verbal permission to clear earth. There are no written permits and this head vigilanted is not authorized to give such permission, but we have seen this in the past with the illegal development on top of Mt. Resaca. We took Resaca to court (which had permits) and judged ruled that their permits were in fact illegal.

To our surprise, we just heard from beach neighbors (today is Sunday) that the digger apparently continued until 4:30 Friday afternoon!

USFWS wrote an email stating the Regional Office from DNER will be visiting again on Monday to determine once and for all where the Public Domain is....the Maritime Zone.
I guess there waiting for all the clearing to be completed.

Again this is endangered sea turtle nesting beach, endagered boa habitat, resource Cat 1 sea grass offshore and no permits for clearing earth and still no implementation of erosion control. Taino artifacts were mentioned in our letters to the agencies, as a study done years ago placed artifacts on this beach.

This is amazing that they continue despite the government intervention.

Pictures coming....