Monday, November 29, 2004

Another Endangered Species?

What we believe to be an Epicrates monensis, common name Mona or Virgin Island Tree Boa, was photographed the evening of August 26, 2003 slithering around a balcony of a house in the Mosquito beach area. The other possibility we feel may be less likely, is that it is the Puerto Rican Boa, E. inoratus. If you are a herpitologist and can identify the species from this photo, please comment and let us know what you think. We sent the photos to USFWS in Boqueron for identification and will get back with an ID when we hear what they think it is.
Either boa was listed Appendix I to CITES on 2/4/77. This still photograph was taken from the Aug 26th video shot using a Sony TRV 33 with night shot.


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